Oct 28, 2020


Did you ever wake up tired from the previous night's sleep, worked like a zombie all day🧟‍♀️, then struggled to sleep despite being dead tired😵?

That was me a year ago. I tried to do everything at once: learn new skills, spend time with friends and family, work, and train.

Stressed and uptight all the time, I often got sick😷🤧, didn’t enjoy activities I loved, and was just generally irritable😒😤.

Then, someone asked me

"When do you have time for just Abs?".

I couldn't answer. 😲😳 It never occurred to me I was neglecting myself.

I quickly realised that watching Netflix, YouTube videos, or social media weren’t relaxing for me 👩🏻‍💻.

Eventually, I found the activities that I needed in order to unwind and REALLY de-stress. 🥋🐈👄🎶🎙️

Now that I do them regularly, I'm much more focused and productive at work. I wake up more often feeling energized for the day😃😃, and I sleep better at night😴💤.

Whether that's singing out loud, dancing, journaling✍️, taking a walk outside🚶, reading📖, exercising🏋️‍♀️, or even spa 💆, GIVE YOURSELF THE TIME TO UNWIND. You'll thank yourself later for doing it.

What's your favorite activity to relax?

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