Dec 16, 2020


Ever thought

“I’ll start my diet after the holidays”🤔?

So you eat whatever you want during the festive season. 🥳 Then the holiday is done and you’re determined to lose your holiday weight...

... until another holiday comes along and you’ll repeat the same process. 🤯

This was the cycle my client was trapped in. It wasn’t limited to holidays; she travelled abroad, partied, and more.

So, she found it hard to consistently progress. 📊

To stop the cycle, I suggested we implement small, doable lifestyle changes. This included:

  • A custom food guide📑

  • Progressively adding changes📈

  • Checking-in to see how the changes were working out for her📞

These tools gave her the ability to be confident and consistent. 📈

After 3 months, she started seeing changes in her body and mind, and friends and family started commenting how she looked better and felt than ever. ♥️

This created a whole new positive cycle and routine that drove her to keep going and succeed! 🏆

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